4n4lDetector Pro

Analyze suspicious executable files to detect a wide range of potential threats including PE information, unusual entry point positions, packers, compilers, binders/joiners/crypters, exploits, and various architectures.  PRICING CATALOG

Drag & drop your file here or click to browse

Maximum file size: 16 MB (with a valid code) or 6 MB (without a valid code).
Allowed Windows file types: .exe, .dll, .sys, .ocx, .scr, .drv, .cpl

Please select a file to analyze...

Find detailed reports for files by entering MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 hashes. This feature lets you quickly access analysis and insights associated with specific files, helping you verify file integrity and security status.  PRICING CATALOG

Use codes to generate more detailed analysis reports, uncovering executable strings, function tables, and Yara rules for thorough threat detection and data integrity checks.  PRICING CATALOG