PESCAN.IO - Analysis Report Valid Code |
File Structure: | |||||
![]() |
Information: |
Size: 5,50 MB SHA-256 Hash: EBAE4309C6B076AB30549EFB657FBAA776B58CB7FE0D3368FD735A58EC02E9C1 SHA-1 Hash: BC1D5AE7288CAC0ADDEBE0CE4241E0FD197BA12D MD5 Hash: A6892855B85D5AC12EECEA547D40EB01 Imphash: C4ADF2886224EA0F70DE259DA18F6678 MajorOSVersion: 5 CheckSum: 00000000 EntryPoint (rva): 4FE444 SizeOfHeaders: 400 SizeOfImage: 590000 ImageBase: 400000 Architecture: x86 ExportTable: 54C000 ImportTable: 546000 Characteristics: A18E TimeDateStamp: 67A4FCE5 Date: 06/02/2025 18:18:13 File Type: DLL Number Of Sections: 10 ASLR: Disabled Section Names: .text, .itext, .data, .bss, .idata, .didata, .edata, .rdata, .reloc, .rsrc Number Of Executable Sections: 2 Subsystem: Windows GUI |
Sections Info: |
Section Name | Flags | ROffset | RSize | VOffset | VSize |
.text | 60000020 (Executable) | 400 | 4FBE00 | 1000 | 4FBC74 |
.itext | 60000020 (Executable) | 4FC200 | 1600 | 4FD000 | 1490 |
.data | C0000040 (Writeable) | 4FD800 | 3E000 | 4FF000 | 3DFB0 |
.bss | C0000000 (Writeable) | 0 | 0 | 53D000 | 8ED8 |
.idata | C0000040 (Writeable) | 53B800 | 4200 | 546000 | 4182 |
.didata | C0000040 (Writeable) | 53FA00 | 400 | 54B000 | 390 |
.edata | 40000040 | 53FE00 | 200 | 54C000 | C5 |
.rdata | 40000040 | 540000 | 200 | 54D000 | 44 |
.reloc | 42000040 | 540200 | 3B400 | 54E000 | 3B318 |
.rsrc | 40000040 | 57B600 | 5800 | 58A000 | 5800 |
Entry Point: |
The section number (2) - (.itext) have the Entry Point Information -> EntryPoint (calculated) - 4FD644 Code -> 558BEC83C4C0B8341F8F00E82034B1FF33C0556884E48F0064FF30648920B8CC1E8F00A330069400B801000000E8563AFFFF • PUSH EBP • MOV EBP, ESP • ADD ESP, -0X40 • MOV EAX, 0X8F1F34 • CALL 0XFFB14430 • XOR EAX, EAX • PUSH EBP • PUSH 0X8FE484 • PUSH DWORD PTR FS:[EAX] • MOV DWORD PTR FS:[EAX], ESP • MOV EAX, 0X8F1ECC • MOV DWORD PTR [0X940630], EAX • MOV EAX, 1 • CALL 0XFFFF4A88 |
Signatures: |
Certificate - Digital Signature Not Found: • The file is not signed |
Packer/Compiler: |
Compiler: Borland Delphi 7 Detect It Easy (die) • PE: compiler: Embarcadero Delphi(10.2 Tokyo)[-] • PE: linker: Turbo Linker(2.25*,Delphi)[DLL32] • Entropy: 7.17642 |
Suspicious Functions: |
Library | Function | Description |
KERNEL32.DLL | LoadLibraryA | Possible Call API By Name | Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot | Possible Call API By Name | Creates a snapshot of the specified processes, heaps, threads, and modules. |
KERNEL32.DLL | ReadProcessMemory | Possible Call API By Name | Reads data from an area of memory in a specified process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | GetProcAddress | Possible Call API By Name | Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL). |
Ws2_32.DLL | socket | Possible Call API By Name | Create a communication endpoint for networking applications. |
Ws2_32.DLL | connect | Possible Call API By Name | Establish a connection to a specified socket. |
WSOCK32.DLL | Send | Possible Call API By Name | The send function sends data on a connected socket. |
KERNEL32.DLL | CreateMutexW | Create a named or unnamed mutex object for controlling access to a shared resource. |
KERNEL32.DLL | VirtualAlloc | Reserve, commit, or both, a region of memory within the virtual address space of a process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | CopyFileW | Copies an existing file to a new file. |
KERNEL32.DLL | WriteFile | Writes data to a specified file or input/output (I/O) device. |
KERNEL32.DLL | LoadLibraryA | Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | LoadLibraryW | Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot | Creates a snapshot of the specified processes, heaps, threads, and modules. |
KERNEL32.DLL | CreateRemoteThread | Creates a thread in the address space of another process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | WriteProcessMemory | Writes data to an area of memory in a specified process. |
KERNEL32.DLL | GetProcAddress | Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL). |
KERNEL32.DLL | CreateFileA | Creates or opens a file or I/O device. |
KERNEL32.DLL | DeleteFileA | Deletes an existing file. |
KERNEL32.DLL | IsDebuggerPresent | Determines if the calling process is being debugged by a user-mode debugger. |
USER32.DLL | GetAsyncKeyState | Retrieves the status of a virtual key asynchronously. |
Ws2_32.DLL | socket | Create a communication endpoint for networking applications. |
Ws2_32.DLL | connect | Establish a connection to a specified socket. |
ADVAPI32.DLL | CryptEncrypt | Performs a cryptographic operation on data in a data block. |
ADVAPI32.DLL | CryptDecrypt | Performs a cryptographic operation on data in a data block. |
SHELL32.DLL | ShellExecuteExW | Performs a run operation on a specific file. |
Windows REG (UNICODE): |
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost\LocalService Software\Proxy\ Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe Software\Browser Software\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe Software\Brave-Browser Software\Browser\User Data Software\Brave-Browser\User Data Software\Qualcomm\Eudora\CommandLine\current SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId Software\Tor Project\Firefox\Launcher Software\Opera Stable Software\Mozilla Software\Embarcadero\Locales Software\CodeGear\Locales Software\Borland\Locales Software\Borland\Delphi\Locales SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ SOFTWARE\Far\Plugins\FTP\Hosts SOFTWARE\Far2\Plugins\FTP\Hosts Software\Far\SavedDialogHistory\FTPHost Software\Far2\SavedDialogHistory\FTPHost Software\Ghisler\Windows Commander\InstallDir Software\Ghisler\Windows Commander\FtpIniName Software\Ghisler\Total Commander\InstallDir Software\Ghisler\Total Commander\FtpIniName Software\FlashFXP\3\InstallerDathPath Software\FlashFXP\4\InstallerDathPath Software\FlashFXP\path Software\FlashFXP\3\Install Path Software\FlashFXP\3\DataFolder Software\FlashFXP\4\Install Path Software\FlashFXP\4\DataFolder Software\FileZilla Software\BPFTP\Bullet Proof FTP Software\BPFTP\Bullet Proof FTP\Main\LastSessionFile Software\BulletProof Software\BulletProof FTP Client\Main\LastSessionFile Software\BulletProof FTP Client\Main\LastSessionFile Software\BPFTP\Bullet Proof FTP\Options\SitesDir Software\BulletProof Software\BulletProof FTP Client\Options\SitesDir Software\BulletProof FTP Client\Options\SitesDir Software\BPFTP\InstallDir1 Software\BulletProof FTP Client 2009\sites\Bookmarks\ Software\BulletProof FTP Client\2010\sites\Bookmarks\ Software\BulletProof FTP Client 2009\Default.bps Software\BulletProof FTP Client\2010\Default.bps Software\TurboFTP Software\Sota\FFFTP\CredentialSalt Software\Sota\FFFTP\CredentialCheck Software\Sota\FFFTP\Options Software\CoffeeCup Software\Internet\Proxy Software\Internet\Proxy Software\CoffeeCup Software\Internet\Profiles Software\Internet\Profiles Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites Software\FTP Explorer\Profiles Software\VanDyke\SecureFX\Config Path Software\Cryer\WebSitePublisher Software\Cryer\WebSitePublisher\ Software\ExpanDrive\Sessions Software\ExpanDrive\Sessions\ Software\NCH Software\ClassicFTP\FTPAccounts Software\ClassicFTP\FTPAccounts SOFTWARE\NCH Software\Fling\Accounts Software\Fling\Accounts SOFTWARE\NCH Software\Fling\Accounts\ Software\Fling\Accounts\ Software\FTPClient\Sites Software\\FTPClient\Sites Software\Directory Opus\ConfigFiles\ftp.oxc Software\Directory Opus\Layouts\System\default.oll Software\Dev Zero G\FTP Uploader\FTP Uploader\AppRunPath Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions\ Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions\\ Software\South River Technologies\WebDrive\Connections Software\South River Technologies\WebDrive\Connections\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\firefox.exe\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\firefox.exe\Path Software\Opera Software\Last Directory3 Software\Last Directory3 Software\Opera Stable\Web Data Software\Opera Stable\Login Data Software\Opera Stable\Default\Web Data Software\Opera Stable\Default\Login Data Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2\ Software\Browser\User Data\ Software\Brave-Browser\User Data\ Software\Opera Stable\Local State SOFTWARE\Mozilla Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\ProgId Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Password Software\PC Remote Control\Restore Software\FreeCall\FreeCall\Accounts\Username Software\FreeCall\FreeCall\Accounts\Password Software\Camfrog\Client SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId Software\RimArts\B2\Settings\DataDir SOFTWARE\RIT\The Bat! Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts Software\Microsoft\Windows\NT CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Outlook Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Eudora Software\Classes\Software\Qualcomm\Eudora\CommandLine\current Software\Mail.Ru\Agent Software\Microsoft\Mra Software\IncrediMail\Identities Software\Group Mail\InstallPath Software\Vypress\Auvis\Settings\UserName Software\Vypress\Auvis\Settings\Password Software\Poco Systems Inc\PocoMail 4\Path Software\Poco Systems Inc\PocoMail 3\Path Software\Forte\Agent\Paths\IniFile SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Scribe\Protocols\mailto\shell\open\command SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\POP Peeper\UninstallString SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mail Commander\UninstallString Software\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail\Salt Software\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Salt Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2 Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings Software\Brave-Browser\ Software\Browser\ Software\Opera Stable\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\BuildLabEx SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\BuildGUID SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallDate SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\ System\CentralProcessor\0\ProcessorNameString System\default.oll system\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings system\Profiles\Outlook system\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 system\Profiles\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\SENS\Description SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\SENS\DisplayName SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\SENS\Group Rebuilt string - SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System Rebuilt string - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |
File Access: |
rundll32.exe forget.dll rpcrt4.dll kernel32.dll user32.dll advapi32.dll wtsapi32.dll shell32.dll ntdll.dll Cryptui.dll crypt32.dll shlwapi.dll msvcrt.dll AVIFIL32.DLL NetApi32.dll rasapi32.dll winmm.dll iphlpapi.dll wininet.dll ws2_32.dll wsock32.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll mpr.dll version.dll gdi32.dll libeay32.dll 2FireDAC.Cokp.Bat TeslFrameworkFireDAC.Cokp.Bat )FireDAC.Corp.Scr FMX.InerhialMovementInStackBzDBaseqcl.DBActnsSystem.Win.ComObjSystem.Win.ComConstData.Bind.ContronsFireDAC.Corp.Scr System.Sys dSystem.Sys Winapi.WinSvcSystem.IOUtilsSystem.MathSystem.SysConstSystem.Sys Winapi.WinSvcSystem.IOUtilsSystem.MathSystem.Sys System.Sys ?System.Sys System.Ini IdUePBasehWBaseVclTee.TeeriltersVcl.gockTabSetFbreDAC.Phys.DSProxyDelphiFMX.SpinzoxSystem.ZLibSystem.Win.CrtlSystem.Ini System.Ini Temp RootDir UserProfile HTML - src /productdespitediversetellingpublic held injoseph theatreaffects<style>a largedoesn'tlater, elementfaviconcreatorhungaryairportsee theso thatmichaelsystemsprograms, and width=e"tradingleft HTML - src /<h1 class= HTML - src demonstratedaccomplisheduniversitiesdemographics);</script><dedicated toknowledge ofsatisfactionparticularly</div></div>english (us)appendchild(transmissions. however, intelligence HTML - src /i war iitestimonialsfound in therequired to and that thebetween the was designedconsists of considerablypublished bythe languageconservationconsisted ofrefer to theback to the css HTML - src /distinguishedthousands of communicationclear HTML - src /(function() {are available<link rel= HTML - src table class= HTML - src http://familiar withpossession offunction () {took place inand sometimessubstantially<span></span>is often usedin an attemptgreat deal ofenvironmentalsuccessfully virtually all20th century,professionalsnecessary to determined bycompatibilitybecause it isdictionary ofmodificationsthe followingmay refer to:consequently,internationalalthough somethat would beworld's firstclassified asbottom of the(particularlyalign= HTML - src /nature of the the people in in addition tos); = id HTML - src http://interpreted assecond half ofcrolling= HTML - src http://addeventlistenerresponsible for s.js HTML - src http://.jpg|right|thumb|.js HTML - src images/identified by thenatural resourcesclassification ofcan be consideredquantum mechanicsnevertheless, themillion years ago</body></html>take advantage ofand, according toattributed to themicrosoft windowsthe first centuryunder the controldiv class= HTML - src http://s;text-align:centerfont-weight: bold; according to the difference between HTML - src http://www.a large number of telecommunications HTML - src http://an introduction toconsequence of thedeparture from theconfederate statesindigenous peoplesproceedings of theinformation on thetheories have beeninvolvement in thedivided into threeadjacent countriesis responsible fordissolution of thecollaboration withwidely regarded ashis contemporariesfounding member ofdominican republicgenerally acceptedthe possibility ofare also availableunder constructionrestoration of thethe general publicis almost entirelypasses through thehas been suggestedcomputer and videogermanic languages according to the different from theshortly afterwardshref= HTML - src http://cript HTML - src http://<script language= HTML - src http:// style= HTML - src http://imenglish translationacademy of sciencesdiv style= HTML - src http://i style="float:referred to as the total population ofin washington, d.c. style= HTML - src http:// HTML - src http://iparticipation in thethe establishment of</div><div class= HTML - src http://www. 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File Access (UNICODE): |
\Mailbox.ini \accounts.ini profiles.ini kernel32.dll ntdll.dll user32.dll PSAPI.dll crypt32.dll ole32.dll userenv.dll advapi32.dll psapi.dll shell32.dll syswow64\shell32.dll wsock32.dll ws2_32.dll GetLogicalProcessorInformationkernel32.dll oleaut32.dll Secur32.dll pstorec.dll wininet.dll wtsapi32.dll gdi32.dll Iphlpapi.dll nss3.dll vaultcli.dll libeay32.dll libcrypto-1_1.dll ssleay32.dll libssl-1_1.dll mpr.dll rasapi32.dll rnaph.dll ZwResumeThreadntdll.dll exe shell32.dll Unable to load wsock32.dll Winsock startup error ws2_32.dll Unable to load ws2_32.dll wship6.dll Unable to load wship6.dll GetSystemDEPPolicykernel32.dll User32.dll opera.exe msedge.exe chrome.exe vivaldi.exe brave.exe epic.exe browser.exe Aloha Mobile\Aloha\Application\aloha.exe Yandex\YandexBrowser\Application\browser.exe BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe Epic Privacy Browser\Application\epic.exe firefox.exe Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe aloha.exe AvastBrowser.exe explorer.exe rundll32.exe syswow64\rundll32.exe svchost.exe syswow64\svchost.exe 0\powershell.exe taskmgr.exe regsvr32.exe system32\svchost.exe cmd.exe \Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe \rundll32.exe yandex.exe \Programs\Opera\launcher.exe \Opera\launcher.exe \Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge.exe iexplore.exe lsass.exe Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe \Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\firefox.exe \Mozilla FireFox\firefox.exe MOZILLA FIREFOX\firefox.exe Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe avast.exe Aloha.exe NetScape.txt Bot.txt System.txt ClipBoard.txt GrabberFiles.txt Video.txt Screens.txt KeyLogger.txt History.txt Stealer.txt Post.txt \db\profiles.txt \Mra\Update\ver.txt 3.txt 2.txt \ftplist.txt \Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini \POP Peeper\poppeeper.ini \poppeeper.ini \PocoMail\poco.ini \PocoMail\accounts.ini \poco.ini \Qualcomm\Eudora\Eudora.ini \NetDrive\NDSites.ini \32BitFtp.ini \win.ini \wcx_ftp.ini Exec - cmd.exe /c Exec - powershell.exe Exec - powershell.exe add-mppreference -exclusionpath Temp WinDir ProgramFiles AppData |
SQL Queries: |
Select GlobalValue FROM "TGlobalSettings" WHERE GlobalName="MagicNumber" Select ServerName, Url, ServerUser, ServerPass, RemoteDir FROM "TServers" Select * FROM "logins" Select * FROM cookies Select * FROM "logins" Select * FROM "logins" Select * FROM "logins" Select * FROM "credit_cards" Select * FROM "local_addresses_type_tokens" Select * FROM "token_service" Select hostname, encryptedUsername, encryptedPassword, usernameField FROM "moz_logins" Select * FROM moz_cookies Select hostname, encryptedUsername, encryptedPassword, usernameField FROM "moz_logins" Select name, rootpage, sql FROM '%q'.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY rowid Select tbl,idx,stat FROM %Q.sqlite_stat1 Select name, rootpage, sql FROM "%w".%s ORDER BY rowid Insert into %Q.%s VALUES('index',%Q,%Q,%d,%Q); Insert into %Q.%s VALUES('trigger',%Q,%Q,0,'CREATE TRIGGER %q') Insert into vacuum_db.'||quote(name)||' SELECT*FROM"%w".'||quote(name)FROM vacuum_db.sqlite_master WHERE type='table'AND coalesce(rootpage,1)>0 Insert into vacuum_db.sqlite_master SELECT*FROM "%w".sqlite_master WHERE type IN('view','trigger') OR(type='table'AND rootpage=0) Drop table to delete table %s Select [sql] from sqlite_master where [type] = 'table' and lower(name) = ' Select * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter Select * FROM Win32_OperatingSystemJJExecQuery_NewEnum Select * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem |
Interest's Words: |
fuck - }:) Virus outlook smtp ToolBar Stealer Encrypt Decrypt KeyLogger Encryption PassWord <html <head <body <div <img <table <form <input <button <script <link <meta <title <iframe <header <footer <section setTimeout setInterval cscript document.write exec window.location unescape attrib start pause regedit cipher hostname nslookup shutdown rundll32 systeminfo certreq ping rundll dism expand replace route setx |
Interest's Words (UNICODE): |
outlook smtp taskkill ToolBar Stealer Encrypt Decrypt KeyLogger Encryption PassWord <html <input wscript exec powershell regsvr32 taskkill attrib start pause cipher hostname nslookup shutdown rundll32 systeminfo netcfg ping rundll expand route |
Anti-VM/Sandbox/Debug Tricks: |
LabTools - taskmgr LabTools - regedit |
Anti-VM/Sandbox/Debug Tricks (UNICODE): |
LabTools - taskmgr |
URLs: |
http://dictionaryperceptionrevolutionfoundationpx;height:successfulsupportersmillenniumhis http://mathematicsmargin-top:eventually http://Descriptionrelatively http://applicationslink http://navigation http://px; http://www.years http://interested http://familiar http://whether http://interpreted http://); http://addEventListenerresponsible http://.jpg|right|thumb|.js http://<a http://according http://www.interpretation http://s;text-align:centerfont-weight: http://html4/loose.dtd http://style= http://staticsuggested http://www.a http://An http://In http://www./div></div><div http://cript http://www.wencodeURIComponent( http://encoding= http://www.icon http://imEnglish http://i http://www.<li><a http://site_name http://www.hortcut http://</a></li><li http://<div http://iparticipation http://www. http://xt/css http://link http://www.text-decoration:underthe http://option><option http://www</a><a http://w http://.css http://www.css http://ator http://www.language= http://www-//W3C//DTD http://UA-Compatible http://www.C//DTD https://www.World https://was https://aIn https://<div https://www.recent |
IP Addresses: | |
Known IP/Domains (UNICODE): | Cloudflare DNS - |
Strings/Hex Code Found With The File Rules: |
• Rule Text (Ascii): Unicode escape - \u00 - (Common Unicode escape sequences) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (WSACleanup) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (bind) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (bind) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (listen) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (listen) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (accept) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (accept) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (connect) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (connect) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (recv) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (recv) • Rule Text (Ascii): WinAPI Sockets (send) • Rule Text (Unicode): WinAPI Sockets (send) • Rule Text (Ascii): Registry (RegCreateKeyEx) • Rule Text (Ascii): Registry (RegOpenKeyEx) • Rule Text (Ascii): Registry (RegSetValueEx) • Rule Text (Ascii): File (GetTempPath) • Rule Text (Ascii): File (CopyFile) • Rule Text (Ascii): File (CreateFile) • Rule Text (Ascii): File (WriteFile) • Rule Text (Ascii): File (ReadFile) • Rule Text (Ascii): Service (OpenSCManager) • Rule Text (Ascii): Service (CreateService) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption (Blowfish) • Rule Text (Unicode): Encryption (Blowfish) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption (CipherMode) • Rule Text (Unicode): Encryption (Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0) • Rule Text (Unicode): Encryption (Rijndael) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption API (CryptAcquireContext) • Rule Text (Unicode): Encryption API (CryptAcquireContext) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption API (CryptGenKey) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption API (CryptDeriveKey) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption API (CryptDecrypt) • Rule Text (Ascii): Encryption API (CryptReleaseContext) • Rule Text (Unicode): Encryption API (CryptReleaseContext) • Rule Text (Ascii): Anti-Analysis VM (IsDebuggerPresent) • Rule Text (Ascii): Anti-Analysis VM (GetSystemInfo) • Rule Text (Ascii): Anti-Analysis VM (GlobalMemoryStatusEx) • Rule Text (Ascii): Anti-Analysis VM (GetVersion) • Rule Text (Unicode): Anti-Analysis VM (GetVersion) • Rule Text (Ascii): Anti-Analysis VM (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot) • Rule Text (Unicode): Anti-Analysis VM (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot) • Rule Text (Ascii): Stealth (VirtualAlloc) • Rule Text (Ascii): Stealth (VirtualProtect) • Rule Text (Unicode): Stealth (ReadProcessMemory) • Rule Text (Ascii): Stealth (CreateRemoteThread) • Rule Text (Ascii): Execution (CreateProcessA) • Rule Text (Ascii): Execution (CreateProcessW) • Rule Text (Unicode): Execution (CreateProcessW) • Rule Text (Ascii): Execution (ShellExecute) • Rule Text (Ascii): Execution (ResumeThread) • Rule Text (Unicode): Execution (ResumeThread) • Rule Text (Ascii): Antivirus Software (rising) • Rule Text (Unicode): Antivirus Software (avast) • Rule Text (Ascii): Antivirus Software (esafe) • Rule Text (Unicode): Privileges (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege) • Rule Text (Unicode): Privileges (SeDebugPrivilege) • Rule Text (Unicode): Keyboard Key ([TAB]) • Rule Text (Unicode): Keyboard Key ([ENTER]) • Rule Text (Unicode): Keyboard Key ([TAB]) • Rule Text (Ascii): Signal sent from infected system to a command and control server (Beacon) • Rule Text (Ascii): Information used to authenticate a users identity (Credential) • Rule Text (Unicode): Information used to authenticate a users identity (Credential) • Rule Text (Ascii): Process of gathering information about network resources (Enumeration) • Rule Text (Ascii): Technique to insert malicious code into a vulnerable application (Injection) • Rule Text (Ascii): Malware designed to steal sensitive information from a system (Stealer) • Rule Text (Unicode): Malware designed to steal sensitive information from a system (Stealer) • Rule Text (Ascii): Software that records user activity (Logger) • Rule Text (Unicode): Software that records user activity (Logger) • Rule Text (Ascii): Information used for user authentication (Credential) • Rule Text (Unicode): Information used for user authentication (Credential) • Rule Text (Ascii): Unauthorized movement of funds or data (Transfer) • Rule Text (Unicode): Unauthorized movement of funds or data (Transfer) • Rule Text (Ascii): Technique used to insert malicious code into legitimate processes (Inject) • Rule Text (Ascii): Malicious rerouting of traffic to an attacker-controlled site (Redirect) • Rule Text (Unicode): Malicious rerouting of traffic to an attacker-controlled site (Redirect) • Rule Text (Ascii): Technique used to capture communications between systems (Intercept) • Rule Text (Ascii): Information gathering related to national security (Intelligence) • Rule Text (Ascii): Related to a particular nation or its government (National) • Rule Text (Ascii): Organization through which a state exercises authority (Government) • Rule Text (Ascii): Public demonstration against policies or actions (Protest) • Rule Text (Ascii): Fair treatment and law enforcement in legal matters (Justice) • EP Rules: Borland Delphi 4.0 • EP Rules: Borland Delphi v3.0 • EP Rules: Microsoft Visual 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Resources: |
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Intelligent String: |
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Extra 4n4lysis: |
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Null Byte Code | 685277 | 11,875% |
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